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Payment Request

A payment system receives requests of payment postings and authorizations. It returns the result including all data that needs to be printed on the invoice.

Operationcode: PAR



SIHOT.PMS → IF Partner


The request could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

With this record, a booking is requested (not all of these data need to be filled):

Attribute Denotation Type
OC Action Type:
PAR = payment request
TN Transaction Number within interface String
OPERATORID ID of the Operator String
OPTYPE Possible values are:
OPERATIONNO Number (code) of this operation in the payment system. (external transaction number) String
TERMINALID The ID of the requesting terminal String
POSID The ID of the requesting Point of Sale String
HOTELID The external ID of the requesting Hotel String
MANDATOR The internal ID of the requesting Hotel String
INPUTTYPE Possible values are:
TRACK1 The complete data of the magnetic strip 1 String
TRACK2 The complete data of the magnetic strip 2 String
TRACK3 The complete data of the magnetic strip 3 String
AMOUNT Amount to be booked String
HOTELCURRENCY Currency of the hotel String
BANKCODE Bank code (used only for EC cards) String
ACCOUNTNO Account number (used only for EC cards) String
CARDNO Number of the credit card / EC card String
EXPIREDATE Expire date of the card (MMYY) String
CVC CVV/CVC code String
CARDHOLDER Name of the card holder String
REFNO Reference Number of external system String
AUTHNO Authentication Number String


The answer could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

With this record, a request is answered (not all of these data need to be filled):

Attribute Denotation Type
OC Action Type:
PAA = payment answer
TN Transaction Number within interface String
RC Return code String
CCRC Return code of external system String
CCMSG Additional Text String
OPERATIONNO Number (code) of this operation in the payment system. (external transaction number) String
AUTHNO Authentication Number String
AUTHCENTER Authenticating Server String
HOTELID The external ID of the requesting Hotel String
REFNO Reference Number of external system String

Return Codes

Code Description
00 Everything is all right. No special message is shown
01 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" reports a writing error to payment system (CCRC, CCMSG)!
02 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" reports a reading error to payment system (CCRC, CCMSG)!
03 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" received an invalid answer from the payment system (subCode, MSG)!
04 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" could not communicate the card number (CCRC, CCMSG)!
05 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" was unable to identify the card number (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
06 The payment system reported a transaction error (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)
07 The payment system "procID" could not register in the payment system (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
08 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" was unable to logon to payment system (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
09 The self-test of the payment system was negative (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
10 A timeout error has occurred during reading of protocol of payment traffic "procID".
All other codes lead to: An error has occurred! ("procID")