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Certification Process

The certification process has two main levels:

  • Certified Ready

When submitting the Certification Request, we will schedule a certification call with our staff.

During the call, you will be requested to perform all the use cases submitted in your Certification Request Form, which will be tested and verified together with the SIHOT team.

The certification call will be performed remotely using the meeting tool Microsoft Teams.

If tests are successful, certification will be completed. The integration will be displayed on the SIHOT Integration Finder as Certified Ready, being available to go into production.

You will be informed about the outcome of the certification, as well as of the specifications of the functionalities integrated and the eventual restrictions identified.

  • Certified Proven

When the interface has been successfully implemented for three pilot customers, it will be considered Certified Proven, and this it will be displayed on the SIHOT Integration Finder.

That will be the proof that your integration fulfils the highest SIHOT quality standards.

Once all the tests are successfully completed for the three pilots, we will also issue a certificate which states that the your system complies with SIHOT standards.

You can use the certificate as an official seal of approval by GUBSE to assure your clients that your system integrates correctly into the SIHOT environment.

Certification Fees

The certification call will be charged with a fee of € 160.

When receiving your Certification Request, SIHOT will send an invoice stating the corresponding fee. The payment of the invoice has to be completed before the scheduled certification call takes place.

Independently of the Certification costs, please note that he customers will be charged with a fee by SIHOT upon the connection of any new interface. This includes:

  • A one-off fee for the interface configuration, which will vary on the support effort required. Please note that the costs for on-premise customers will be higher than SaaS customers, due to the higher configuration effort required.

  • A monthly fee, which will vary between 0.62€ and 1.66€ per room, according to the characteristics and consumption of the interface.