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All rooms

In a few installations it is necessary to know all rooms by room number.

This happens if you manage e.g. several different apartments in SIHOT and the guest should be able to choose a certain apartment. Therefore the systems can request a list of all rooms for a certain period.

The reservation has to be done also for the requested room number.

Operationcode: ALLROOMS





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Attribute Description Data type Usage
ID Hotel number Long Mandatory
FROM Start date for the request Date Mandatory
TO End date for the request Date Mandatory

Certain requests contain a scope for the request. Usually those are:


String Optional


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                                                <DE>Einzelzimmer mit Minibar im ersten Stock</DE>
                                                <EN>Single room with minibar at first floor</EN>
                                                <DE>Einzelzimmer mit Klima Minibar im ersten Stock</DE>
                                                <EN>Single room with AC minibar at first floor</EN>
                                                <EN>Double room</EN>
                                                <EN>Double room</EN>

Attributes Response

Attribute Description Data type
CATLIST List of categories
CAT One tag for each category String
ROOMLIST List of available rooms
ROOM One tag for each room
RN Room number String
DESC Description for this room String

RC Codes

RC MSG Description
0 Empty All right
1 Error building answer
2 Invalid FROM or TO date At least one of the dates received in <FROM> or <TO> was invalid
3 FROM is larger than TO The <FROM> date lies after the <TO> date