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Request for reservation search

The request for reservation-search is only allowed for the interaction between SIHOT.WEB and SIHOT.PMS.





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Attribute Description Data type
FROM Start date for the request Date
TO End date for the request Date
MATCHCODE Matchcode of the customer String
NAME1 name of the customer String
CENTRALGUEST-ID Central guest ID in HQ systems Unsigned long
FLAGS See below String
RT Reservation type Char
SCOPE See below String
CENTRAL-RESERVATION-ID Central reservation ID in HQ systems Unsigned long
GDSNO GDS number String
OUTPUTCOUNTER Output counter of the reservations Short
GUEST-OBJID ID of an guest account Unsigned long
RESNO-FROM Starting reservation number of the search range Unsigned long
RESNO-TO Ending reservation number of the search range Unsigned long
E-MAIL Email address of a guest account String

Possible values are:

‘0’ = orderer,

‘1’ = travel agency,

‘2’ = travel point,

‘3’ = conctact person,

‘4’ = all pipelines

The default value is ‘0’

MAX-ELEMENTS The maximum number of reservations that will be returned Integer


Description of field <FLAGS>:

Name Description
ALL-HOTELS Search in all hotels (ignoring the value of “ID”)
WITH-PERSONS Include persons (from rooming list)
DEFINITIVE If send, only definitive reservations are send. Combinable with the flag TENTATIVE.
TENTATIVE If send, only tentative reservations are send. Combinable with the flag DEFINITIVE.


Description of field <SCOPE>:

Name Description
BASICDATAONLY Only export the basic data
CALCTOTALPRICE Calculate and export the total prices
CALCCANCELLATIONSFREEOFCHARGEUNTIL Calculate and export the maximal date until the cancellation rule fees are setting in
RETURNRESERVATIONACCOUNT-ID Export the reservatioin account ID
RETURNCOMPONENTS Export service components (including the IDs, prices and the number of postings)
FORCECALCDAYPRICE Export the prices for each day
CALCSUMDAYPRICE Calculate and export the sum of the day price
SENDONLYMAINCATEGORY Only add the main room category
DONTSENDIDS Don't export any Ids
DONTSENDPOINTRATES Don't export the point rates
ONLYRATESFORHOTEL Only export rates if they are for the hotel
DONTSENDPRICES Don't export rooming prices
NORATES Don't export any rates
NOPERSONS Don't export any person informations
NORESCHANNELS Don't export the reservation channel lists
NOPERSTYPES Don't export person types
NOCCLIST Don't export CC lists
NOFIDELITY Don't export fidelity informations
NOFIDELITYORDERER Don't export the guest fidelity
NOTIMESHARE Don't export timeshare details
NOKTG Don't export contingents
NOORDERER Don't export orderer informations
NODEPOSIT Don't export deposits
EXPORTEXTENDEDCOMMENT Export the extended comment to the element COMMENT
DONTSENDCENTRALCOMMENT Don't export the central comment
DONTSENDTECCOMMENT Don't export the technical comment
CONVERTRESTYPESFORPMS (Hapimag) Convert reservation types for PMS
CUTOFFRESMOVETAGFROMGDSNO (Hapimag) Cut off the reservation move tag from GDS number
TIMESHAREDETAILS Export timeshare details
CALCSUMROOMPRICE Calculate and export the sum of room prices
CALCLOSTPOINTS Calculate and export lost points
EXPORTPREFERABLYLASTREALUSER Preferably export the last real user
NODAYPRICE Don't export day prices
NOINVOICEHOLDERLIST Don't export invoice holder lists
NORESERVATIONCOMMISSION Don't export reservation commissions
CALCSUMDAYPRICEONPERSRATE Calculate and export the sum of the day price for person rate
CALCEXCLUDEDREVENUE Calculate and export excluded revenues
RETURNGUESTPROGRAMINFOS Export guest program list informations
GETRELATEDINVOICES Export list of related invoices
CALCCITYTAX Calculate and export the city tax
INCLUDE-FOLLOW-UP-SERVICES Export follow up services
INCLUDE-FOLLOW-UP-SERVICES-DETAILED Export detailed follow up services


After a RES-SEARCH request, SIHOT.PMS sends the following answer, similar to the answer of OC:SS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                <NAME>GUBSE AG</NAME>
            <FAX1>+49 6821 9646 110</FAX1>
            <NAME>GUBSE AG</NAME>
            <PHONE1>+49 6821 9646 0</PHONE1>
            <STREET>Bahnhofstr. 28</STREET>
            <!-- same xml-fragment as above -->

Attributes Response

Element Description Data type
HAS-MORE-ELEMENTS This attribute will be returned, if the attribute in the request was set. Specifies the number of other reservations, which fits the search criteria. Bool
PRICE Total price Decimal
PERSON One person of the rooming list
FIDELITYLIST Loyalty card list
RES-HOTEL Hotel number Long
RES-NR Reservation number Long
SUB-NR Sub-reservation number Short
OBJID Unique ID for this reservation Unsigned long
ALLOTMENT-NO Internal allotment number Long
GUARANTEE-TYPE Guarantee type String
CANCELLATION-POLICY Cancellation policy String
GUARANTEE-TYPE-DESC Guarantee type description String
CANCELLATION-POLICY-DESC Cancellation policy description String
NIGHTS Overnight stays Long
LAST-MOD Last modification date Date
LAST-MOD-BY Last modification user String
LAST-MOD-RU Last modification real user date Date
LAST-MOD-RU-BY Last modification real user String
MARKETCODE Market code String
ROOMINGLIST-STATISTICS Information about the rooming list
CREATION-DATE Creation date Date
CREATION-TIME Creation time Time
CREATED-BY Created by user String
SALES-DATE Sales Date Date
GUEST-OBJID Unique ID for the client Unsigned long
PERS-ADDRESS Salutation of the client Char
T-TITLE Title of the client. If the client is a company, T-TITLE is empty Char
TAX-NUMBER1 Tax number 1 String
TAX-NUMBER2 Tax number 2 String
TAX-NUMBER3 Tax number 3 String
MATCHCODE Matchcode String
MATCHCODE-SM Matchcode SOL Melia HQ String
INSURANCETYPE Insurance type String
VIP VIP String
VIP2 VIP2 String
ADDRESS-CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence address String
NAME-CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence name String
FIDELITYORDERLIST Loyalty card list client. Content like FIDELITYLIST
DEFINITIVE “on”, if reservation type is definitive String
CENTRALGUEST-ID Central guest ID of the client String
OPTIONAL “on”, if reservation type is tentative String
RESNO-FROM Smallest possible reservation number to search Long
RESNO-TO Biggest possible reservation number to search Long
SALES-CATEGORY The sales category for this reservation if the reservation was created for sales category String


Inside <FIDELITYLIST>, there are the following elements:

Element Description Data type
FC One loyalty card
FIDELITY-TYPE Loyalty card type String
FIDELITY-NO Loyalty card number String
VALIDFROM Valid from Date
VALIDTO Valid to Date
EXTREF Extern reference String
LEVEL Level String
STATE State String
STATECAUSE Cause of state String
TEXT Text String


Inside ROOMINGLIST-STATISTICS, there are the following elements:

Element Description Data type
ROOMINGLISTISCOMPLETE Rooming list is complete = Y, otherwise = N String
NOADULTS Number of adults in the rooming list Short
NOCHILDS Number of children in the rooming list Short
NOADULTSFREE Number of adults in the rooming list for free Short
NOCHILDSFREE Number of children in the rooming list for free Short
ROOMNIGHTS Number of rooms * number of nights Short
PERSONNIGHTS Number of persons * number of nights Short


See Elements in Block GUESTPROGRAM

Element Description Data type
INVOICE Block with a single invoice information
HOTEL-NO Hotel number where the invoice was issued long
INVOICE-NO Invoice number long
INVOICE-NUMBERSET The invoice number set where the invoice was created in String
EXTERNAL-INVOICE-NO The external invoice number, if configured String

Return Codes (RC):

RC Description
0 The search was successful. If no reservation with the given search criteria was found, the element returns the respective information.
1 The data inside the element is not a valid reservation type.
2 There is no guest with this central guest ID available.
3 There is no guest with this matchcode available.
4 The given search data is not valid
5 An (internal) error occurred when searching for reservations.