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Credit card payments

Operationcode: PAR





The incoming request looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Attribute Description Data type Usage

Action Type:

PAR = payment request

String Mandatory
TN Transaction Number within interface Unsigned long Mandatory

Possible values are:






String Mandatory
OPERATORID ID of the Operator String
AMOUNT Amount in cents to be booked   Decimal Mandatory
TRACK1 The complete data of the magnetic strip 1 String Optional
TRACK2 The complete data of the magnetic strip 2 String Optional
TRACK3 The complete data of the magnetic strip 3 String Optional

Possible values are:

S = Stored

A = Authenticated

P = Payed

C = Cancelled

R = Reversal

D = Deposit

Char Mandatory
OPERATIONNO Number (code) of this operation in the payment system. (external transaction number) String Optional

Possible values are:



Char Mandatory
PINCODE Credit card pin code String Optional
AUTHNO Authentication Number String Optional
AUTHCENTER Authorization place String Optional
TERMINALID The ID of the requesting terminal String Optional
POSID The ID of the requesting Point of Sale String Optional
BIDPOS Bank ID Point of Sale String Optional
BIDSTORE Merchant ID String Optional
REFNO Reference Number of external system String Optional
ADDTEXT Additional comment or information String Optional
BANKCODE Bank code (used only for EC cards) String Optional
ACCOUNTNO Account number (used only for EC cards) Integer Optional
NRAUTHS Number of previously taken authorizations Short Optional
CVC CVV/CVC code Short Optional
CARDHOLDER Name of the card holder String Optional
CCHANDLE Pseudo credit card number String Optional
CCHANDLEVALIDUNTIL Expire date of the pseudo card number Date Optional

Numeric SIHOT representation if the card type. Possible values are

1 = AmericanExpress

2 = Diners Club

3 = EuroCard

4 = Visa

5 = Discover

6 = JCB

7 = EnRoute

8 = EC Card

9 = Red6000

10 = VierB

11 = Other

12 = Jelmoli

Short Optional
VALIDUNTIL Expire date of the card (MMYY) Date Optional
CARDNO* Number of the credit card / EC card String Optional
EXPIREDATE* Expire date of the card (MMYY) Date Optional
HOTELID The external ID of the requesting Hotel String Optional
HOTELCURRENCY Currency of the hotel String Optional

*only used if no Track data is given.


The OCC for the Response Message is PAA The outgoing answer looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

With this record, a request is answered (not all of these data need to be filled):

Attribute Description Data type
OC Action Type: PAA = payment answer String
TN Transaction Number within interface Unsigned long
RC Return code Short
MSG Information from ADDTEXT String
CCRC Return code of external system String
CCMSG Additional Text String
OPERATIONNO Number (code) of this operation in the payment system. (external transaction number) String
AUTHNO Authentication Number String
AUTHCENTER Authenticating Server String
HOTELID The external ID of the requesting Hotel String
REFNO Reference Number of external system String

RC Codes

Code Description
00 Everything is all right. No special message is shown
01 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" reports a writing error to payment system (CCRC, CCMSG)!
02 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" reports a reading error to payment system (CCRC, CCMSG)!
03 Protocol of payment traffic "procID" received an invalid answer from the payment system (subCode, MSG)!
04 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" could not communicate the card number (CCRC, CCMSG)!
05 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" was unable to identify the card number (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
06 The payment system reported a transaction error (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)
07 The payment system "procID" could not register in the payment system (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
08 The protocol of payment traffic "procID" was unable to logon to payment system (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
09 The self-test of the payment system was negative (procID, CCRC, CCMSG)!
10 A timeout error has occurred during reading of protocol of payment traffic "procID".
11 Missing compulsory fields.

AES crypted payments

By changing the OC from PAR to ``PAR_AES, you could transmit payments AES crypted (analogous toRESandRES_AES). You need to set the AES crypted data into aCONTENT-Block and the answer will contain theCONTENT-Block with the AES crypted answer (operation codePAA_AES``).