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SIHOT.WEB makes the following request (AVR) to SIHOT.PMS in order to receive the availability data for a period.

Operationcode: AVR





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Element Description Data type Usage
OC Operation code String Mandatory
IDLIST List of IDs. If not provided, the element ID needs to be transmitted Optional*
ID Property number to request availability for if you only need to request for a single hotel String Optional*
FROM First date to get availability for Date Mandatory
TO Last date to get availability for Date Mandatory
CAT The room category that you wish to request availability for. If not provided then all room categories available for SIHOT.WEB at a property will be returned String Optional
VER Version of the request String Optional
IDCATLIST Optional way of requesting for multiple hotels and room categories. Optional*
IDCAT List including an ID Element and an CATLIST element Optional
CATLIST Specifies Room categories to request availability for at Hotel. Mandatory if IDCATLIST is used
FLAGS Flags to alter behaviour of request, separated by a semicolon (;) String Optional

<IDLIST> and <IDCATLIST> and <ID> are all mutually exclusive


Available Flags are

Flag Description
SEND-RAW-DATA Inventory and availabilities are exported for standard users view. Any special SIHOT.WEB settings (restrictions for web, percentage for availabilities, etc.) are ignored.
SEND-NO-RAW-DATA As per SIHOT.PMS settings you could make the interface to export raw data by default. In this case, you could get the special SIHOT.WEB inventory data by using this flag.
SKIP-HIDDEN-ROOM-TYPES By using this flag you could skip room types which are configured to be hidden for SIHOT.PMS.
GET-ARRIVAL-AND-DEPARTURE-ALLOTMENTS Arrival and departure allotments will be returned.


This is the answer AV to the request ````AVR.

The information of this availability tag can be different from the occupation/availability information in SIHOT, because the transferred figure is adjusted according to some restrictions and parameters in SIHOT, like: Transferred room types, Restrictions on room types (by date, Overbooking limitations by room type and/or by hotel, …

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                <T>Double Room</T>
                <DESC>Double room with king size beds</DESC>
                <T>Single Room</T>

Attributes Response

Element Description Data type
AAVLIST This element contains the data for all room categories
AVAILABLE This element contains the data for one room category
CAT Room category identification String
ISBED Flag, if this room type is a bed Char
ORDER The order in which the room categories should be displayed by SIHOT.WEB. Integer
TXT Block with category name in different languages
LANG Language, ISO 639 String
T Long name for this category String
DESC Category comment for each language entered in category management dialog String
AV Block including day and availability data
D The day for which the data is exported Date
NO number of free rooms per day Integer
NOOVB Number of available rooms per day (including settings for overbooking) Integer
NO2STOPSELL Number of free rooms until stop sell Integer
NOOVB2STOPSELL Number of available rooms until stop sell Integer
HASARRALLOT Flag, if arrival allotments are set(“Y” or “N”) String
NOARRALLOT Number of available room per day including arrival allotments Integer
NOARRPERMITTED Number of permitted arrivals (set by arrival allotments) Integer
HASDEPALLOT Flag, if departure allotments are set(“Y” or “N”) String
NODEPALLOT Number of available room per day including departure allotments Integer
NODEPPERMITTED Number of permitted departures (set by departure allotments) Integer