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This chapter describes the webservices provided by SIHOT.PAYENGINE for callback notifications of the payment provider.

Payment Commit

Path for committing payment success to SIHOT.

This endpoint must be provided by the user of SIHOT.PAYENGINE to confirm payment of eCommerce payment pages and terminal integrations

POST /$customer/paymentCommit


Field name Description
cardInfoRefID From initpay
requestID Return value of initpay
returnCode Must be 0 in all cases
securityID From initpay a unique identifier for security
amount Amount of the transaction
cardNumber Masked card number
cardTypeCode Card type based on payment providers definition*
currency Currency of the transaction
description Additional description from initpay
emvTerminal EMV Terminal ID of the transaction
receipt Receipt from the terminal
receiptCardHolder Card holder receipt from the terminal
token Token of the payment device
tokenValidUntil Validity information for the token
transactionID Transaction ID of the authorization
serviceProvider ServiceProvider used for this action

* To be mapped in SIHOT


Field name Description
returnCode Error code
returnText Response text from PMS e.g. error messages
paymentObjID Unique reference for the payment in the PMS

Payment Abort

Path for notification of payments to SIHOT.

This endpoint must be provided by the user of SIHOT.PAYENGINE to abort payment of eCommerce payment pages and terminal integrations

POST /$customer/paymentAbort


Field name Description
cardInfoRefID From initpay
requestID Return value of initpay
returnCode Must not be 0 in all cases
returnText Additional error message of middleware components
securityID From initpay or initauth a unique identifier for security
serviceProvider ServiceProvider used for this action
returnCodeServiceProvider Return code from the payment provider service
returnTextServiceProvider Additional return message from the payment provider service

* To be mapped in SIHOT


Field name Description
returnCode Error code
returnText Response text from PMS e.g. error messages

Authorization Commit

Path for committing payment success to SIHOT.

This endpoint is provided by SIHOT.PAYENGINE to confirm authorization of eCommerce payment pages and terminal integrations.

POST /$customer/authorizationCommit


Field name Description
cardInfoRefID From initauth
requestID Return value of initauth
returnCode Must be 0 in all cases
securityID From initauth a unique identifier for security
amount Amount of the transaction
authorizationCode: Authorization code of the payment provider
cardNumber Masked card number
cardTypeCode Card type based on payment providers definition*
currency Currency of the transaction
description Additional description from initauth
emvTerminal EMV Terminal ID of the transaction
receipt Receipt from the terminal
receiptCardHolder Card holder receipt from the terminal
token Token of the payment device
tokenValidUntil Validity information for the token
transactionID Transaction ID of the authorization
serviceProvider ServiceProvider used for this action

* To be mapped in SIHOT


Field name Description
returnCode Error code
returnText Response text from PMS e.g. error messages
paymentObjID Unique reference for the payment in the PMS