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Read Card

If a key card is found, it can be helpful to read the card to get the information about the card details. This message is implemented for this purpose. The Key Card system will return a string (with all relevant information) that is displayed to the user.

Operationcode: RC



SIHOT.PMS → IF Partner


With this action, we request from the card system to read the card using coding station 2 and to send back the content and rights of the card. This action was created from the workstation with the id disp_4711.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Attribute Denotation Type
OC Action Type:
RC = Read Card
HN Hotel number uns. Long
CS Coding Station String
ORG Origin, this is the identifier of the SIHOT workstation that processed this operation. String


In the response, we receive the text that will be displayed on the client with id disp_4711:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    Heinz Meier
    #101 01.01.2002 – 03.02.2002
    AP: 1,4,6

Attributes Response

Attribute Denotation Type
OC ACK String
TN Transaction Number uns. Long.
RC Return Code. Here we refer to the content of the MSG tag. uns. Long
MSG Message Text, error message in plain text (optional) String
ORG Origin, this is the identifier of the SIHOT workstation that processed this operation. String

If an operation used the <TN> tag, this tag has also to be returned to the sender. The same applies to the <ORG> tag.