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Definition: AP

Definition of the access points, e.g. 010000000000000000000000001 means access is allowed to areas 2 and 27. Area 2 could be e.g. a meeting room and area 27 an elevator. The access points are defined in the door lock system.

Definition: AR0 - AR2

Additional rights

AR0 Description
available for hotel use
AR1 Description
available for hotel use
AR2 Description
available for hotel use

Definition: CA

Card action supports the card types

CA Description
0 delete card
1 create new card
2 card copy
3 no modification

Definition: CARD

Contains the data of a card from a guest.

CARD Description
TYPE Type of card
NUMBER Number / ID of card

Definition: CALCSID

Calculates the service ID according to OUTLET and SID. For this case, the SID has to be numerical. If the calculation fails, the SID is transferred as indicated.

CALCSID Description
0 Service is not calculated but transferred from SID. This is the default value in case the parameter is not sent.
1 Service is calculated according to outlet and SID.

Definition: CIO

Originates from a check-in or a checkout

CIO Description
I from a check-in
O from a check-out
M from a room move
K from a create key-card command
‘ ’ none of the above

Definition: CIS

Check-In Status

CIS Description
Y room is checked in
N room is checked out

Definition: COS

Class of Service


COS Description
1 unrestricted
2 internal only

For Pay TV

COS Description
0 Pay-TV disabled
1 Pay-TV

For Others

COS Description
Others to be configured at hotel

Definition: CT

Call Type (if Posting Type is Phone)

CT Description
1 Private
2 Business

Component type

CT Description
G General component
P Component for Guest Type, GT has to be set up

Definition: DND

Do Not Disturb

DND Description
0 off
1 on

Definition: DRINK

Allowed drinks for a guest.

DRINK Description
1 No alcoholic drinks
2 Domestic alcoholic drinks
3 All alcoholic drinks

Definition: ENTIREROOM

The flag indicates if the checkout (CO) should be done only for a certain person in the CO operation or the whole room.

ENTIREROOM Description
0 only for mentioned person (PCIID)
1 whole room (or if not set)

Definition: GID

Each profile of a company or private person in SIHOT is defined in a guest table and each profile has a unique id. This is called GID.

GID Description
Unique internal id of a profile

Definition: EXTRAINFOS

The values in the table have to be concatenated by semicolon.

EXTRAINFOS Description
BOARD Information about the board of the guest
FIRSTDAYBOARD Board Information for arrival day
LASTDAYBOARD Board Information for departure day
ROOMINGLIST return also the complete rooming list
DETAILS additional information is sent
DRINK Get details about the allowed drinks
  • If the flag BOARD, FIRSTDAYBOARD or LASTDAYBOARD is set, boarding information about the client is transferred.
  • Board belongs to the board information of the current day
  • FirstDayBoard belongs to the arrival day
  • LastDayBoard belongs to the departure day
  • If the flag ROOMINGLIST is set, all guests in the room are transferred. Normally only the clients are transmitted witch have a folio.
  • If you request the total number of persons on a room you have to query with the attribute ROOMINGLIST and details and sum the noPax. The total number of pax per room can vary on different dates.
  • If the flag DETAILS is set, more information is delivered. In this case the POS-System can display detailed information about the client. This field can be extended in the future without any notice in advance (to simplify the extension)
  • If the flag DRINK is set, a value is displayed, if the client is allowed to drink alcohol or not

Definition: IAH

Include all hotels

IAH Description
0 Send data of the current hotel
1 Send data of all hotels

Definition: IEV

Include event rooms

IEV Description
0 Do not include event rooms
1 Include event rooms

Definition: IF

Interface area

IF Description
PBX Telephone systems

Definition: IPS

Include „pseudo rooms“ = diverse accounts with an assigned „pseudo room number"

IPS Description
0 Do not include “pseudo rooms”
1 Include “pseudo rooms”


Identifying the issuing country

2 we expect the nationality in ISO 3166, 2 letter code
3 we expect the nationality in ISO 3166, 3 letter code

Definition: IT

Internal Package Type

IT Description
S Standard
P Package
LOS Package and rates based on Length of Stay
R Room rate

Definition: PT

Posting Type

PT Description
0 others
1 Minibar
2 Key Card, e.g. access to an area where an amount has to be charged (e.g. wellness)
3 Safe
4 W-LAN-Connection
5 Pay-TV
6 Phone
8 Internet
9 Games

Definition: RC

Return Code

RC Description
0 OK
99 Not implemented
all others Error

Definition: RT

Reservation Type

RT Description
1 definitive reservation
2 tentative reservation
3 cancel

Definition: SEX


SEX Description
0 Unknown
1 Male
2 Female

Definition: SF

Share flag. This flag indicates if a room is shared.

SF Description
Y There are two or more accounts.
N There is only one account in this room.

Definition: SID

In SIHOT, there can be either services or packages defined. Both have a unique id that is also defined by the user. This code can be used directly to use the defined service or package.

SID Description
Unique id of a valid service or package

Definition: SIDT

Service Identification Type

SIDT Description
P Package
S Service

Definition: SRC

The SRC-Attribute indicates where this operation is coming from.

SRC Description
SIHOT The command is sent by SIHOT
PBX The command is sent by the PBX
PTV The command is sent by the PTV
SPA The command is sent by the SPA (wellness system)
OTHERS The command is sent by another system

Definition: SRC-CODE

The SRC-CODE-Attribute indicates where this operation is coming from.

SRC Description
0 The command is sent by SIHOT
1 The command is sent by the external system using a phone extension
2 The command is sent by the external system using a room number

Definition: STAT

The actual status can be in the range of 0 to 99 for the RST | STAT | Description | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 0-49 | reserved for room status | | 50-98 | reserved for technical status like “light bulb broken” | | 99 | sets all technical statuses to OK |

The status of the message delivered

STAT Description
0 message read
1 message acknowledged
2 new message
3 message deleted

Definition: STATUS

Status for Link Alive

STATUS Description
0 request
1 link OK

Definition: TOR

Type of restart operation.

TOR Description
I request CI/CO records
C request COS records
A request all records

Definition: TYPE

Type of the information to be displayed

For Wake up answer

TYPE Description
OK Successful
NOTOK Not Successful

Definition: TT

Temporary Type. In SIHOT, a guest can be marked to be deleted at the next database cleanup. After this cleanup, the data will no longer be available.

TT Description
D guest is marked for deleting
M guest data OK

Definition: WUT

Definition of the different Wake up type

WUT Description
SWU Single Wake Up
PWU Permanent wake up (until a check out is sent for this extension)
WUN Wake Up Now (ignore date and time)
WUC Wake Up Clear (removes all active wake up calls for this phone extension)