Statement of Account
This record requests the Statement of a room account, also known as Guest Folio. The answer will contain a list of
- Services
- Payments
The items within both lists are sorted by date. Date and time show the date and time when the service or payment was posted. By default, we always transfer the services and payments of the guest account of SIHOT. The amounts are transferred in hotel currency. If there are two accounts on one room and the request is done with RN, only the folio for the first person is transferred.
A positive balance means the guest needs to pay this amount while a negative balance means the guest has this deposit on his account.
Operationcode: FSOA
IF Partner → SIHOT.PMS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Attributes Message
Attribute | Denotation | Type |
OC | FSOA = Request for Statement of Account |
String |
HN | Hotel number | uns. Long |
RN | Room number | uns. Int |
PCIID | Pre Check-In ID | uns. Long |
SRC | Origin of the room request | String |
The statement of account of the room 118 is being requested. The answer could look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<DESC>Use of the sauna</DESC>
<DESC>Use of the sauna</DESC>
<DESC>Use of the sauna</DESC>
<DESC>Use of the sauna</DESC>
Attributes Response
Attribute | Denotation | Type |
OC | Action Type:SOA = Statement of Account |
String |
HN | Hotel number | uns. Long |
RN | Room number where the guest will stay | String |
BALANCE | The current balance. | BCD |
DATE | Trace date | Date |
TIME | Start time | Time |
AMOUNT | Amount to be booked | String |
PPU | Price per unit (including taxes, vat, …) in hotel currency | BCD |
UN | Units. If unit is not given, we assume 1. | Long |
DESC | Description | String |
PCIID (Pre Check-In ID) included
The statement of the account of the room 116 with PCIID 776 is being requested.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
The answer could look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>