Service Reference Name: S_INVOICE_GET_V003
This has been deprecated. Please refer to:
- S_INVOICE_GET_V004 - Added debtorno to InvoiceHolder, added financialAccountNo and contraAccount to PaymentPostings, VATs, TAXes and ServicePostingPartList, added costCentre and sapCostCentre to VATs, TAXes and ServicePostingPartList, added sapCode to PaymentPostings. restructured Partlist information.
This service returns a specific invoice
- INVOICE-OBJID: ObjID of the invoice, which can be obtained from other defined services. Mandatory
- invoice information
- list of payment-, service postings
- invoiceholder information: this information are saved on the invoice. If you need more information from guest then use other serivce
- list of vats and taxs
- currency information
front office reservation information
used combo box:
- invoicenoset "RKWD"
- hotel "HNA"
- accounttype "38CB"
- vat "53"
- service "09Tax"
- taxFormel "FO"
SIHOT.PMS ← IF Partner
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:envgen="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="">
<soapenv:Header />
<S_INVOICE_GET_V003Request xmlns=""><!--Optional--><TransactionID>string</TransactionID>
<INVOICE-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</INVOICE-OBJID>
Attributes Message
Name | Type |
S_INVOICE_GET_V003Request | |
TransactionID | string |
Authentication | Node |
SecurityID | string |
INVOICE | Node |
INVOICE-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:envgen="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="">
<soapenv:Header />
<S_INVOICE_GET_V003Response xmlns=""><!--Optional--><TransactionID>string</TransactionID>
<Success>Base: string Pattern: true or false</Success><!--Optional--><ErrorMsg>string</ErrorMsg><!--Optional--><MSG-LIST><!--Optional--><MSG-ENTRY><!--Optional--><MSG-LEVEL>Base: string Pattern: ERROR or WARNING or INFO</MSG-LEVEL><!--Optional--><MSG-CLASS>string</MSG-CLASS><!--Optional--><MSG-NO>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</MSG-NO><!--Optional--><MSG-TEXT>string</MSG-TEXT><!--Optional--><MSG-ENTRY-PARAM-LIST><!--Optional--><PARAM><!--Optional--><INDEX>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</INDEX><!--Optional--><VALUE>string</VALUE>
<INVOICE-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</INVOICE-OBJID>
<invoiceno>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</invoiceno>
<invoicenoset>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2</invoicenoset>
<hotel>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</hotel>
<externalreference>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30</externalreference>
<externalreference2>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30</externalreference2>
<date>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</date>
<creationdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</creationdate>
<creationtime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</creationtime>
<operator>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</operator>
<CANCELTYPE>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</CANCELTYPE>
<resno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</resno>
<amount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amount>
<amountpaid>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountpaid>
<currencyinvoiceamount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</currencyinvoiceamount>
<hasexternaldocument>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</hasexternaldocument>
<GUEST-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</GUEST-OBJID>
<GUEST-CENTRALID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</GUEST-CENTRALID>
<guestHotel>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</guestHotel>
<guestNo>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</guestNo>
<documentdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</documentdate>
<ACCOUNT-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</ACCOUNT-OBJID>
<accountno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</accountno>
<arrival>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</arrival>
<departure>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</departure>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<amountvat>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountvat>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<taxpercent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</taxpercent>
<amounttax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amounttax>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<SERVICE-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</SERVICE-OBJID>
<servicetype>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2</servicetype>
<arrival>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</arrival>
<quantity>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</quantity>
<amount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amount>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<priceperunit>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</priceperunit>
<currencyamount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</currencyamount>
<currencyexchangefactor>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</currencyexchangefactor>
<hoteldate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</hoteldate>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<amountvat>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountvat>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<taxpercent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</taxpercent>
<amounttax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amounttax>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<COMPONENT-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</COMPONENT-OBJID>
<quantity>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</quantity>
<amount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amount>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<priceperunit>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</priceperunit>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<revenuearea>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenuearea>
<discount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</discount>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<amountvat>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountvat>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<percent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</percent>
<taxpercent>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</taxpercent>
<amounttax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amounttax>
<amountnet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountnet>
<amountgross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amountgross>
<revenueaccount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</revenueaccount>
<PAYMENT-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</PAYMENT-OBJID>
<amount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</amount>
<currencyamount>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</currencyamount>
<currencyexchangefactor>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</currencyexchangefactor>
<RESERVATION-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</RESERVATION-OBJID>
<resno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</resno>
<subno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</subno>
<optiontodate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</optiontodate>
<cancellationdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</cancellationdate>
<noofrooms>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofrooms>
<noofnights>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofnights>
<arrival>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</arrival>
<arrivaltime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</arrivaltime>
<departure>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</departure>
<departuretime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</departuretime>
<gdsresnumber>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 40</gdsresnumber>
<externalkey>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15</externalkey>
<externalreference>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 60</externalreference>
<category>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4</category>
<ratecategory>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4</ratecategory>
<ratesegment>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</ratesegment>
<marketsegment>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</marketsegment>
<resmedium>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</resmedium>
<ressource>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</ressource>
<channel>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</channel>
<nn1>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</nn1>
<noofpax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofpax>
<noofchildren>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofchildren>
<noofadults>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofadults>
Attributes Response
Name | Type |
S_INVOICE_GET_V003Response | |
TransactionID | string |
Result | Node |
Success | Base: string Pattern: true or false |
ErrorMsg | string |
MSG-LIST | Node |
MSG-ENTRY | Node |
MSG-LEVEL | Base: string Pattern: ERROR or WARNING or INFO |
MSG-CLASS | string |
MSG-NO | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
MSG-TEXT | string |
PARAM | Node |
INDEX | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
VALUE | string |
MSG-COMMENT | string |
MSG-SUPRESSED | string |
INVOICE | Node |
INVOICE-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
invoiceno | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
invoicenoset | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2 |
hotel | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
externalreference | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30 |
externalreference2 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30 |
date | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
creationdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
creationtime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
operator | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
CANCELTYPE | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
cancellationinvoiceno | string |
resno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
amount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountpaid | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
currency | string |
currencyinvoiceamount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
typeofpayment | string |
fiscalsignature | string |
hasexternaldocument | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
GUEST-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
GUEST-CENTRALID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
salutation | string |
lastName | string |
firstName | string |
guestType | string |
country | string |
city | string |
pobox | string |
postcode | string |
street | string |
guestHotel | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
guestNo | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
identificationNo | string |
documentnumber | string |
documenttype | string |
documentdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
taxnumber | string |
taxnumber2 | string |
taxnumber3 | string |
ACCOUNT-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
accounttype | string |
accountno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
arrival | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
departure | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
VATS | Node |
VAT | Node |
vat | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountvat | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
TAXS | Node |
TAX | Node |
tax | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
taxformel | string |
taxpercent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amounttax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
SERVICE | Node |
SERVICE-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
servicetype | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2 |
service | string |
descriptionlst | string |
arrival | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
quantity | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
priceperunit | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
currency | string |
currencyamount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
currencyexchangefactor | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
hoteldate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
packages | string |
originalroom | string |
VATS | Node |
VAT | Node |
vat | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountvat | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
TAXS | Node |
TAX | Node |
tax | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
taxformel | string |
taxpercent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amounttax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
COMPONENT-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
servicetype | string |
service | string |
descriptionlst | string |
quantity | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
priceperunit | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
revenuearea | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
discount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
VATS | Node |
VAT | Node |
vat | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountvat | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
TAXS | Node |
TAX | Node |
tax | string |
description | string |
percent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
taxformel | string |
taxpercent | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amounttax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountnet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
amountgross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
revenueaccount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
PAYMENT | Node |
PAYMENT-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
typeofpayment | string |
description | string |
amount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
currency | string |
currencyamount | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
currencyexchangefactor | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
RESERVATION-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
RESERVATION-CENTRALID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
resno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
subno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
restype | string |
optiontodate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
cancellationdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
noofrooms | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofnights | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
arrival | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
arrivaltime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
departure | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
departuretime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
gdsresnumber | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 40 |
externalid | string |
externalkey | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15 |
externalreference | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 60 |
category | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 |
ratecategory | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 |
ratesegment | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
marketsegment | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
resmedium | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
ressource | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
channel | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
nn1 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
currency | string |
noofpax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofchildren | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofadults | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
PdfBase64 | string |