Service Reference Name: S_GO_RESERVATION_V005
This service returns a specific reservation.
- RESERVATION-OBJID: ObjID of the reservation, which can be obtained from defined services. Mandatory
Reservation data
SIHOT.PMS ← IF Partner
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:envgen="http://soapenvelopegenerator.eduardocastro.info/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<soapenv:Header />
<S_GO_RESERVATION_V005Request xmlns="http://www.gubse.com/IFS/SihotServices01.xsd"><!--Optional--><TransactionID>string</TransactionID>
<RESERVATION-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</RESERVATION-OBJID>
Attributes Message
Name | Type |
S_GO_RESERVATION_V005Request | |
TransactionID | string |
Authentication | Node |
SecurityID | string |
ReservationSearch | Node |
RESERVATION-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:envgen="http://soapenvelopegenerator.eduardocastro.info/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<soapenv:Header />
<S_GO_RESERVATION_V005Response xmlns="http://www.gubse.com/IFS/SihotServices01.xsd"><!--Optional--><TransactionID>string</TransactionID>
<Success>Base: string Pattern: true or false</Success><!--Optional--><ErrorMsg>string</ErrorMsg><!--Optional--><MSG-LIST><!--Optional--><MSG-ENTRY><!--Optional--><MSG-LEVEL>Base: string Pattern: ERROR or WARNING or INFO</MSG-LEVEL><!--Optional--><MSG-CLASS>string</MSG-CLASS><!--Optional--><MSG-NO>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</MSG-NO><!--Optional--><MSG-TEXT>string</MSG-TEXT><!--Optional--><MSG-ENTRY-PARAM-LIST><!--Optional--><PARAM><!--Optional--><INDEX>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</INDEX><!--Optional--><VALUE>string</VALUE>
<RESERVATION-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</RESERVATION-OBJID>
<resno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</resno>
<subno>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</subno>
<groupnumber>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</groupnumber>
<cancellationdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</cancellationdate>
<noofrooms>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofrooms>
<noofnights>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofnights>
<arrival>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</arrival>
<arrivaltime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</arrivaltime>
<departure>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</departure>
<departuretime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</departuretime>
<gdsresnumber>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 40</gdsresnumber>
<centralid>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</centralid>
<externalkey>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15</externalkey>
<externalreference>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 60</externalreference>
<ratecategory>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4</ratecategory>
<ratesegment>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</ratesegment>
<resmedium>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</resmedium>
<ressource>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</ressource>
<forecastnoofadults>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</forecastnoofadults>
<forecastnoofchildren>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</forecastnoofchildren>
<forecastnoofpax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</forecastnoofpax>
<forecastrategross>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</forecastrategross>
<forecastratenet>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</forecastratenet>
<deposit>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</deposit>
<hasautoservice>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</hasautoservice>
<noofpax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofpax>
<noofchildren>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofchildren>
<noofadults>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofadults>
<housekeepingdays>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</housekeepingdays>
<ROOMINGLIST-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</ROOMINGLIST-OBJID>
<ROOM-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</ROOM-OBJID>
<category>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4</category>
<datefrom>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</datefrom>
<dateto>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</dateto>
<noofpax>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofpax>
<noofchildren>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofchildren>
<noofadults>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofadults>
<noofnights>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</noofnights>
<PERSON-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</PERSON-OBJID>
<guesttype>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2</guesttype>
<name2>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50</name2>
<birthdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</birthdate>
<city>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50</city>
<street>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 80</street>
<postcode>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15</postcode>
<email1>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 100</email1>
<mobile1>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30</mobile1>
<ratecategory>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4</ratecategory>
<datefrom>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</datefrom>
<arrivaltime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</arrivaltime>
<dateto>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</dateto>
<departuretime>Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])|</departuretime>
<vip>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</vip>
<vip2>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</vip2>
<iconprecheckin>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</iconprecheckin>
<personstatus>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</personstatus>
<TYPE>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</TYPE>
<VALID-FROM>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</VALID-FROM>
<VALID-TO>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</VALID-TO>
<TYPE>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3</TYPE>
<LEVEL>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2</LEVEL>
<VALIDFROM>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</VALIDFROM>
<VALIDTO>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</VALIDTO>
<CARDTEXT>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30</CARDTEXT>
<EXTERNALREFERENCE>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 20</EXTERNALREFERENCE>
<GUEST-OBJID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</GUEST-OBJID>
<GUEST-CENTRALID>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])*</GUEST-CENTRALID>
<location2>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50</location2>
<phone1>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30</phone1>
<matchcode>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 20</matchcode>
<documentnumber>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44</documentnumber>
<documentsubnumber>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44</documentsubnumber>
<documentsubnumber2>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44</documentsubnumber2>
<documenttype>Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 10</documenttype>
<documentdate>Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})|</documentdate>
<upgradecategory>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*</upgradecategory>
<rate>Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])*\.{0,1}([0-9])*</rate><!--Optional--><Package>
Attributes Response
Name | Type |
S_GO_RESERVATION_V005Response | |
TransactionID | string |
Result | Node |
Success | Base: string Pattern: true or false |
ErrorMsg | string |
MSG-LIST | Node |
MSG-ENTRY | Node |
MSG-LEVEL | Base: string Pattern: ERROR or WARNING or INFO |
MSG-CLASS | string |
MSG-NO | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
MSG-TEXT | string |
PARAM | Node |
INDEX | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
VALUE | string |
MSG-COMMENT | string |
MSG-SUPRESSED | string |
Reservation | Node |
RESERVATION-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
resno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
subno | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
restype | string |
groupnumber | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
cancellationdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
noofrooms | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofnights | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
arrival | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
arrivaltime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
departure | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
departuretime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
gdsresnumber | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 40 |
centralid | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
externalid | string |
externalkey | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15 |
externalreference | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 60 |
ratecategory | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 |
ratesegment | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
resmedium | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
ressource | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
forecastnoofadults | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
forecastnoofchildren | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
forecastnoofpax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
forecastrategross | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
forecastratenet | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
deposit | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
hasautoservice | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
currency | string |
commentcentral | string |
commenttechnical | string |
noofpax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofchildren | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofadults | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
paymentinstructions | string |
housekeepingdays | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
service | string |
Rooms | Node |
Room | Node |
ROOMINGLIST-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
ROOM-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
category | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 |
datefrom | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
dateto | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
noofpax | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofchildren | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofadults | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
noofnights | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
room | string |
Person | Node |
PERSON-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
guesttype | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2 |
name1 | string |
name2 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50 |
sex | string |
title | string |
birthdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
address | string |
country | string |
city | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50 |
street | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 80 |
postcode | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 15 |
subcountry | string |
marketsegment | string |
salutation | string |
email1 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 100 |
mobile1 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30 |
ratecategory | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 |
datefrom | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
arrivaltime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
dateto | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
departuretime | Base: string Pattern: ([01][0-9] |
vip | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
vip2 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
iconprecheckin | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
personstatus | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
qrcode | string |
GUEST-IDS | Node |
CARD | Node |
TYPE | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
NUMBER | string |
VALID-FROM | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
VALID-TO | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
CARD | Node |
TYPE | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 3 |
NUMBER | string |
LEVEL | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 2 |
STATUS | string |
VALIDFROM | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
VALIDTO | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
CARDTEXT | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30 |
EXTERNALREFERENCE | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 20 |
externaltype | string |
externalid | string |
Guest | Node |
GUEST-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
GUEST-CENTRALID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
language | string |
location2 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 50 |
savecontactdata | string |
phone1 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 30 |
matchcode | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 20 |
documentnumber | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44 |
documentsubnumber | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44 |
documentsubnumber2 | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 44 |
documenttype | Base: string minLength: 0 maxLength: 10 |
documentdate | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) |
docissuingcountry | string |
externaltype | string |
externalid | string |
RegistrationCard | Node |
REGISTRATIONCARD-OBJID | Base: string Pattern: ([0-9])* |
signature | string |
CategoryUpselling | Node |
upgradecategory | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9])* |
UpsellingAddServices | Node |
UpsellingService | Node |
rate | Base: string Pattern: ([-+]){0,1}([0-9]).{0,1}([0-9]) |
Package | Node |
servicecode | string |