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Rate segment request

This request provides valid rate segments defined for a guest profile. Rate segments can be requested for a certain guest profile or for the TOP mother company of the given guest profile.






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Element Description Data type Usage
OC Action type: CGV = Check Gift Voucher String Mandatory
ID SIHOT.WEB ID of the hotel String Mandatory
TN Transaction number Integer Mandatory
VER Used version String Mandatory
MATCHCODE General guest match code String Optional
MATCHCODE-ADM Match code ADM from the guest profile String Optional
MATCHCODE-ISN Match code ISN from the guest profile String Optional
MATCHCODE-SM Match code SM from the guest profile String Optional
CENTRALGUEST-ID The guests central guest id String Optional
OBJID OBJID of the guest profile String Optional
ARRIVAL-DATE Arrival date when the rate segment should be valid String Optional
FLAGS Flags String Optional


Flag Description
GET-ALL-AVAILABLE-RATE-SEGMENTS If this flag will be passed in, all available rate segments will be returned. If this flag will not be passed in, only one matching rate segment will be returned.
CHECK-MOTHER-COMPANY If this flag is set, the rate segment of the top mother company of the provided guest profile will be checked. Otherwise only the given guest profile
CHECK-ALL-HOTELS If this flag is set, all hotels will be searched. Only available in combination with flag GET-ALL-AVAILABLE-RATE-SEGMENTS


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

Element Description Data type
ID SIHOT.WEB ID of the hotel String
TN Transaction number Integer
VER Used version String
RC Return code Integer
MSG Message to be shown to the SIHOT.PMS users String
FROM-DATE From date of the validity of the rate segment String
TO-DATE To date of the validity of the rate segment String
HOTEL-NO The Hotel number where this rate segment is valid, 0 = valid for all hotels String
RATE-SEGMENT Rate segment code String