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Transmission of guests changes

This interface is for creating legal and individual guests.

Operationcode: GUEST-CREATE



External System → SIHOT.PMS


The request to SIHOT.PMS must looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
        <NAME2>und Co</NAME2>
        <POBOX />
        <MOBIL1 />
        <MOBIL2 />
                <COUNTRY>DE B</COUNTRY>

Attributes Message


The Attribute FLAG is optional. The following values are allowed:

Value Description
FORCE-GUEST-CREATE If this value is set, the creation of the new guest is forced even if this guest already exists
GENERATE-MATCHCODE If this flag is been passed in, SIHOT will generate a matchcode for this guest profile, if a matchcode is not been passed in by the field <MATCHCODE>
GENERATE-PASSWORD If this flag is been passed in, SIHOT will generate an internet password for this guest profile, if an internet password is not been passed in by the field <PWD>

You don´t need to provide data for all fields as shown above but for some mandatory fields: Every guest needs at least a surname and information if the guest is a legal or individual, therefore mandatory fields for <GUEST> are: <NAME> and <GUESTTYPE> If no MATCHCODE or PWD is given, SIHOT will generate the missing fields and returns the values in the answer as described above.

Attribute Description Data type
MATCHCODE If empty and flag GENERATE-MATCHCODE was passed in, MATCHCODE will be generated by SIHOT. Otherwise the provided one is used. String
MATCHCODE-ADM Special Matchcode of the guest String
MATCHCODE-ISN Special Matchcode of the guest String
MATCHCODE-SM Special Matchcode of the guest String

Password for internet.

If empty and flag GENERATE-PASSWORD was passed in, password will be generated by SIHOT. Otherwise the provided one is used.

CENTRAL-COMPANY-ID Central ID of the guest’s company Unsigned long
ADDRESS Salutation Char
P-ADDRESS Personal address String
SALESCATEGORY Code for available sales categories Long
T-TITLE Guest title ID. Only for natural guests. String
TITLE Guest title. Only for natural guests. String
GUESTTYPE To setup individual guest or legal. Refer your installation for appropriate values String
NAME (or NAME1) Last name String
NAME2 First name String
DOB Date of birth Date
PLACE-OF-BIRTH Place of birth String
STREET Street String
POBOX Post office box String
ZIP Postal code String
CITY and CITY2 Town and additional town String
COUNTRY Country String
LANG Language code String
NATION Nation code String
PHONE1 and PHONE2 Phone number and additional phone number String
FAX1 and FAX2 Fax numbers String
EMAIL1 and EMAIL2 E-mail String
INVOICE-EMAIL The email address for invoices String
MOBIL1 and MOBIL2 Cell phone numbers String
MARKETSEGMENT Marketsegment String
DOCUMENT-TYPE Document type such as ID card, passport etc. String
DOCUMENT-NO Document number String
DOCUMENT-DATE Issue date for the document Date
DOCUMENT-EXPIRE-DATE Document expire date Date
DOCUMENT-EXPEDITION-COUNTRY Issuing country for the document String
DOCUMENT-SUBNR Sub number of the document String
DOCUMENT-SUBNR2 Second sub number of the document String
TAX-NUMBER1 Tax registration number 1 String
TAX-NUMBER2 Tax registration number 2 String
TAX-NUMBER3 Tax registration number 3 String
PERS-TYPE SIHOT guest type code String
DISCOUNT-GROUP Discount group String
PACKAGE-CODE Package code String
T-SMOKER Guest is smoker String
LOYALTY-FLAG User defined field long
LOYALTY-DATE Date of the first booking after receiving the loyalty card Date
LOYALTY-STATUS Status about the loyalty. Declined ‘0’ or accepted ‘1’ or ‘2’ ask later Char
T-DELETED Guest is deleted String
COMMENT Short note String
EXTCOMMENT Long note/comment String
EXTCOMMENT-C Central comment String
STOPKZ Stop/Invoice flag Char
T-MAIL E-mail for invoicing String
FAMILYHEAD Matchcode of the family head String
INSURANCETYPE Type of insurance String
CREATION-DATE Date of creation Date
CREATION-USER User ID of the user String
MODIFICATION-DATE Date of last modification Date
MODIFICATION-USER Last User who changed guest data String
DEFAULT-PAYMENT-TYPE The <DEFAULT-PAYMENT-TYPE> element specifies the default payment type. This has to be a valid payment type in SIHOT. String
CAN-PAY-LSV Flag, if payment type LSV is allowed Char
HAS-GIFT-CERTIFICATE Flag, if guest has gift certificates Char
INVOICECURRENCY Code for invoice currency String
VIP and VIP2 Codes for VIP String
MARKETSEGMENT Market code String
EMAIL-SUBSCRIPTION-HOTEL If, guest subscribes to email notification of the hotel such as newsletter, 1 = YES, 0 = No Char
EMAIL-SUBSCRIPTION-PARTNER If, guest subscribes to email notification of the hotel and their partners such as newsletter, 1 = YES, 0 = No Char

Defines if the guest allows the storage of contact data

0 = NO

1 = YES

2 = Anonymization after check-out

COMPANY-OBJID OBJID of the mother company Long
ACARDLIST Block with card data, see table below
ACOMMENTLIST Block with several comments, see table below
USERFIELDS Block with several user defined fields
PREFERENCES Block with the preferences of the guest

The ACARDLIST Block contains several CARD-Blocks each containing the card data:

Element Description Data type
NO Card number String
TYPE Credit card type String
VALID-FROM Start date Date
VALID-TO (or VAL) Expire date Date
HOLDER-NAME Owner of the card String
STATUS Card status (a=active, i=inactive, g=blocked) Char
STATUS-REASON Reason for the card status String
EXT-REF External reference String
CCHANDLE Pseudo card number String
CCHANDLEVALIDUNTIL Expire date of the pseudo card number Date


The <ACOMMENTLIST> contains several COMMENT-Blocks with the following information:

Element Description Data type
TYPE Type of the comment, see table below Char
TEXT The comment itself String

Available comment types:

Type Description
A General comment
H Housekeeping comment
K Kitchen
F Front office
S Sales
E Event/C&B
D Debtor
R Restaurant
I Check In
O Check Out
N Interface
C Central
P Contact person


The <PREFERENCES> Block contains the preferences of the guest:

Element Description Data type
RN Preferred room number String
CAT Preferred room category String
LOCATION Preferred location String
FEATURE1 Preferred feature1 String
FEATURE2 Preferred feature2 String
FEATURE3 Preferred feature3 String
BEDS Preferred number of beds in the room long
EXTRABEDS Preferred number of extra beds in the room long
FLOOR Preferred floor long
ALCOHOL Preferred alcohol status Char


This is the answer from SIHOT.PMS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

Important fields are <OBJID>, <MATCHCODE>, <PWD>,<MSG> and <RC>.

Attribute Description Data type
OBJID contains the Object ID of the guest String
MATCHCODE contains the MATCHCODE if generated by SIHOT String
MATCHCODE-ADM Special Matchcode of the guest String
MATCHCODE-ISN Special Matchcode of the guest String
MATCHCODE-SM Special Matchcode of the guest String
PWD contains the password if generated by SIHOT String
MSG Provides descriptions if an error occurred String
RC return code, see below Short

Description of field RC:

RC MSG Description
0 OK Guest was created correctly.
1 ERROR error while creating guest

Operationcode GUEST-CHANGE


This interface is for changing a legal or individual guest. For further information see Attributes Message


External System → SIHOT.PMS


The Attribute <FLAGS> is optional. The following values are allowed:

Value Description
GENERATE-MATCHCODE If this flag is been passed in, SIHOT will generate a matchcode for this guest profile, if a matchcode has not been passed in by the field <MATCHCODE>. An existing matchcode will be overwritten.
GENERATE-PASSWORD If this flag is been passed in, SIHOT will generate an internet password for this guest profile, if an internet password has not been passed in by the field <PWD>. An existing password will be overwritten.

The request to SIHOT.PMS must look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
        <POBOX />
        <MOBIL1 />
        <MOBIL2 />
                <COUNTRY>DE B</COUNTRY>

Attributes Message

For a guest-change it is necessary to provide fields to identify an existing guest you want to change. Mandatory field is and . In case is an individual person you have to provide fields shown below. SIHOT will indentify a guest after the first match in this order: - MATCHCODE - MATCHCODE-SM - MATCHCODE-ISN - EMAIL1 or EMAIL2 - MATCHCODE-ADM - (PHONE1 or PHONE2) and NAME and NAME2 - NAME and NAME2 and STREET and ZIP

In case of a legal person SIHOT will indentify a guest after the first match in this order: - MATCHCODE and NAME - NAME and STREET and ZIP

In case that no guest was found you´ll get an error in return. If a guest was matched it will be changed according to the not empty fields provided, except the fields responsible for the match. Notice, to delete a specific value, you have to send the empty element. Not existing elements will affect no changes. To delete cards, you have to send an empty <ACARDLIST></ACARDLIST> element without child elements. If you send a card block within this element, the previous cards will be kept along with the new card you passed in.


This is the answer from SIHOT.PMS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

Attributes of the answer:

Attribute Description Data type
OBJID contains the Object ID of the guest String
MSG Provides description if an error occurred String
RC return code, see below Short

Description of field RC

RC MSG Description
0 OK Guest was changed correctly.
1 ERROR error while changing guest

Operationcode GUEST-CONTACT

This interface links contact persons with legals. For further information see Attributes Message



External System → SIHOT.PMS


You can set up multiple contact persons for legals in one message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Attributes Message

You can link multiple contact persons with a legal by providing the matchcode or central ID of the legal and the contact persons. A contact person must be an individual guest. To delete a contact use the flag shown below.

Attribute Description Data type
CONTACTLIST contains multiple CONTACT
CONTACT field for each contact of a legal String
MATCHCODE-GUEST Matchcode of the legal String
CENTRAL-GUEST-ID Central ID of the legal Unsigned long
OBJID Object ID of the legal Unsigned long
MATCHCODE Matchcode of a contact person String
CENTRAL-CONTACT-ID Central ID of a contact person Unsigned long
FLAG flags for processing, see below String

Mandatory fields are <MATCHCODE-GUEST> or <CENTRAL-GUEST-ID> and <MATCHCODE> or <CENTRAL-CONTACT-ID>, or <OBJID> to identify which contact person is linked to or deleted from a guest.

Description of field <FLAG>:

FLAG Description
DELETE delete this contact person
ADD adds the contact person to the company (Standard if no flag is passed)
MODIFY modifies the contact person to the company


This is the answer from SIHOT.PMS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

Attributes of the answer:

Attribute Description Data type
MSG Provides description if an error occurred String
RC return code, see below Short

Description of field :

RC MSG Description
0 OK Contact person linked correctly.
1 ERROR error while linking contact