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Room Type Restrictions

Operationcode: RESTRICTS





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Attributes Message

Attribute Description Data type
TYPE Type of the restriction, see table below Short
KEY Restriction key, e.g. SR for single room category restrictions String
FROM Begin of restriction period Date
TO End of restriction period Date
FOR-SALE-FROM No sale before this date allowed Date
FOR-SALE-TO No sale after this date allowed Date
MIN-PAX Minimum number of guests necessary Integer
MAX-PAX Maximum number of guests allowed Integer
MIN-STAY Minimum stay in days Integer
MAX-STAY Maximum stay in days Integer
PREBOOKING Number of days of pre booking Short
RESTRICT-RHYTHM Rhythm of the restrictions (for instance J7 stands for a period, that is a multiple of 7 days), ZOOM type “RR” String
INFO Information about the restriction String
AARR-LIST Comma-separated list of days with arrival allowed (e.g. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 = always allowed, 0,6 = allowed on Sunday (0) and Saturday (6) String
ADEP-LIST Possible departure days (like AARR-LIST) String

Y = Block, do not accept!

N = Inform and accept


Y = Period is closed, unable to create a reservation

N = No close, consider other restrictions if available

BOOKINGRULE Block with booking rule information for the restriction, see Elements in Block: BOOKINGRULELIST for more information Block
COMMENT Additional comment String
KEY2 Additional key for the restriction, e.g. special room type for service restriction String

Restriction types

Type ID Description
0 PMS category restrictions
1 WEB category restrictions
2 Package and service restrictions
3 Restrictions for TravelCLICK
4 Rate segment restrictions
5 Hotel restrictions
6 SIHOT.OTA Interface restrictions
7 Package group restrictions
8-17 further web category restriction types
18 Group/allotment restrictions
19-28 further web package and service restriction types
29 automatic hurdle restrictions


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