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Supported functions

SIHOT can send to the Web-System the supported functions.

Operationcode: FUNCTIONS





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Function Description
CVC SIHOT.PMS supports CVC numbers.
AES SIHOT.PMS supports reservations, which are AES (128 Bit) encrypted and Base64 coded.
GUEST_AES SIHOT.PMS supports transmission of AES encrypted guest data.
DELTAAV SIHOT.PMS supports the transmission of changed availabilities instead of Full-Syncs.
SMART_PRICE_REQUEST_UPDATE SIHOT.PMS does not export rates for packages that need an additional price request.


This is the answer from SIHOT.WEB:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Response

If <RC>0, the functions where transmitted correctly. In all other cases, an error occurred:

RC MSG Description
0 OK IP address was created correctly.
1 PROCESSING OF THIS MESSAGE FAILED An unexpected error occurred during the processing. For further information check the log file named “SIHOTTOWEB.log”.

This protocol is only used between SIHOT.PMS and SIHOT.WEB.