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Availability Extended

Operationcode: AVRX





SIHOT.WEB makes the following request (AVRX) to SIHOT.PMS in order to receive the availability data for a period. The exact order of the elements must be respected

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Attributes Message

Element Description Data type Usage
OC Operation code String Mandatory
TN Transaction number Long Mandatory
IDLIST List of IDs. If not provided, the element ID needs to be transmitted Optional*
ID Property number to request availability for if you only need to request for a single hotel String Optional*
FROM First date to get availability for Date Mandatory
TO Last date to get availability for Date Mandatory
VER Used version String Optional
AAVLIST Contain all requests
AV Single request, See separate Block
FLAGS Flags to alter ehaviour of request, separated by a semicolon (;) String Optional

IDLIST and ID are all mutually exclusive

Block: AV

Block AV Description Data type
IDX unique number for the requests
TYPE request type String
CATDETAILS = if “Y” then grouping the response by category else no grouping Char
ALLOTMENTDETAILS if “Y” then grouping the response by allotments else no grouping Char


Available Flags are

Flag Description
IGNORE_PSEUDO_CATEGORY By using this flag you could skip room types which are configured to be hidden for SIHOT.PMS.

Request Types

Supported request types are

Type Description
TOTAL Total number of rooms
OOO Out of Order
OC+OOO Occupied and Out of Order
OC Number of occupied rooms
D Number definitive reserved rooms
T Number tentative reserved rooms
AVV Number of free rooms until stop sell
O Number optional reserved rooms
AA Available allotments
AT Available timeshares
AG Available groups
AAT Available tentative allotments
ATT Available tentative timeshares
AGT Available tentative groups
AAD Available definitive allotments
ATD Available definitive timeshares
AGD Available definitive groups
TSS Total number of rooms until stop sell
AOCD Automatically occupied definitive rooms
AOCT Automatically occupied tentative rooms
F Number of free rooms
A Number of available rooms
ASS Number of available rooms until stop sell
AOOO Automatically out of order
OOI Out of Interest
OOS Out of Service
AOOI Automatically out of interest
AOOS Automatically out of service
CS Contracted Size
AS Total number of allotments
AR Number of allotment reservations
AADJ Allotment overbooking
ACS Allotment cutoff sum
ACR Allotment cutoff reservations
AZBU Allotments used by ZBU
GS Total number of groups
GR Number of group reservations
GADJ Groups overbooking
GCS Group cutoff sum
GCR Group cutoff reservations
GZBU Groups used by ZBU
TS Total number of timeshares
TR Number of timeshare reservations
TADJ Timeshare overbooking
TCS Timeshare cutoff sum
TCR Timeshare cutoff reservations
TZBU Timeshares used by ZBU
GAP GAP reservations
BPG Booking positions by guest
BPS Total number of booking positons
ARR Arrivals
DEP Departures
AARR Arrival allotment
ADEP Departure allotment
ACT Available tentative confirmation
ABT Available tentative groups block offered
ACD Available definitive confirmation
ABD Available definitive groups block offered
COS Total number of confirmation
COR Number of confirmation reservations
BS Total number of groups block offered
BR Number of groups block offered reservations
AC Available confirmation
AB Available groups block offered
COADJ Confirmation overbooking
COCS Confirmation cutoff sum
COCR Confirmation cutoff reservations
COZBU Confirmation used by ZBU
BADJ Groups block offered overbooking
BCS Groups block offered cutoff sum
BCR Groups block offered cutoff reservations
BZBU Groups block offered used by ZBU
WLEXT Waiting list extended
GIH Guests in house


This is the answer AVX to the request AVRX.

The information of this availability can be different from the occupation/availability information in SIHOT, because the transferred figure is adjusted according to some restrictions and parameters in SIHOT, like: Transferred room types, Restrictions on room types (by date, Overbooking limitations by room type and/or by hotel, …

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <SYSTEM ID="1">
            <AV IDX="1" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT="2B">
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="10" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="12" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="12" />
            <AV IDX="1" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT="2K">
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="5" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="6" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="7" />
            <AV IDX="2" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT=""
                    ALLOTMENT_OWNER="GUBSE AG"
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="15" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="18" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="19" />
        <SYSTEM ID="2">
            <AV IDX="1" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT="2R">
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="15" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="15" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="20" />
            <AV IDX="1" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT="1B">
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="10" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="10" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="5" />
            <AV IDX="2" TYPE="TOTAL" CAT=""
                    ALLOTMENT_OWNER="GUBSE AG"
                <V D="2014-01-01" NO="12" />
                <V D="2014-01-02" NO="12" />
                <V D="2014-01-03" NO="12" />

Attributes Response

Element Description Data type
VER Used version String
OC Operation code String
ID ID of the hotel Unsigned Long
TN Transaction number Long
RC Return code Integer
MSG Message to be shown to the SIHOT.PMS users String
SYSTEM Single hotel
AV Response of the single request
AVX If the process configuration –wsMode (Webservice Mode) is active, the you will get this tag instead of AV. See AV above
V Response per day
D = Date
NO = Value Date

Block AV

Element Description Data
IDX number from request
TYPE request type String
ALLOTMENT_ID allotment ID ALLOTMENT_EXTID = allotment Ext ID Unsigned Long
ALLOTMENT_OWNER allotment owner String
ALLOTMENT_OWNER_OBJID allotment owner ID Unsigned Long
ALLOTMENT_OWNER_MATCHCODE allotment owner match code Unsigned Long

If <RC> is 0, the request was processed correctly. In all other cases, an error has occurred. Is it a confirmation by SIHOT.WEB, the error code is described in the table below.

RC MSG Description
0 OK the request was processed correctly
1 Error message the request was not processed correctly